Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Clean up is done... on to planning...

So this week I have had the joy of finishing last weeks work of organizing and cleaning my classroom... after days of near insanity trying to set up the classroom I think I FINALLY have it ready to go... minus decorations and a few last minute things.

The space has room for my six tables and my reading space... now I just need to order some more books.

I have had my family tell me I am insane for sorting crayons, but I really think it will be a time saver... No searching... There they are, so my biggest task was sorting this...

I have also been labeling where everything is so that during the year I won't have to search like crazy...

And I was really excited I could use this had been junk shelf for all the ceramics supplies and then keep all the paints together...

I am very excited to say that with the help of Pinterest and my mother I was able to make some great worksheets for into/review in first grade today...

I think you need Google Drive to Open these files... But feel free to look through them and give me any feedback, I greatly appreciate it.
Color worksheet PDF
Line Worksheet PDF
Shapes or Forms Worksheet PDF
Space Worksheet PDF
Texture Worksheet PDF

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