Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Never ending Re-Arranging

I was so proud last week to have finished re-arranging my room. Setting everything up just the way I wanted... THEN TODAY HAPPENED!

I went into the classroom to drop off some items that were shipped to me, mostly books, but also some command strips and contact paper for decorations. So I started to decorate. As I put up my color wheel and color families information I was happy to see how it was coming out. And then I moved onto putting contact paper on my desk to decorate. As I added it I realized I had ordered too much. Looking around the room I remembered the wonderful paper cabinet I had hidden because it looked ill-kept. I became determined to make it look better. I used the second roll on the cabinet only to realize now it was too nice to hide. I moved things around about three times and settled on putting two cabinets side by side and removing two pieces of furniture I really didn't have any intention of doing... thankfully I just learned how to get rid of these effectively... Then I had to move the mobile display boards. These are awesome to have, but are TRULY obnoxious! In all seriousness, who designed these? They can't be stacked they can't be pushed together with any ease... they are just there! and I don't have room for them in all reality... although as I type this I am thinking I have an idea... new plans are hatching and maybe later this week I will head in to fix this..

As I continued to arrange things I had two of my co-workers pop their heads in. One I had met before but sadly I am terrible with names and I have completely forgotten it... the other was a kindergarten teacher. They were both very excited as they looked around the room, they commented on how good it was looking and how far it had come along. The kindergarten teacher did notice my tables which I had split into six sections using electrical tape. She commented that it was a good idea for me to divide the space, especially for the younger grades so they don't try to use too much of the table. The only statement they made was that we might only need 4 per table (Enough for 24 instead of 36). I debated how to handle that and realized that I think that I could easily move the horizontal tape to make four sections instead or I could use two sections for supplies... I am still debating. Each section is currently 18x24... So I think it would be big enough... I guess I will have to wait for my class lists.

I did forget my camera today so I wasn't able to take any photos. I won't go in until Thursday most likely so no pictures until then. I am also debating if I should order two more rolls of contact paper... I will look on amazon tonight.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

I can't stop making decorations...

Posters... Posters... And more posters...

Job poster... I change the colors each week so the students have a different job... The alliteration was me just being stupid...

And my rules poster... 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Slower day... But wanted to share...

So I made some table ID badges to hang from the ceiling today...

I had been marking glue bottles, linoleum cutters, etc. with red, yellow, blue, green, black, and white electrical tape. That way my material managers would collect their tables supplies and I can track who is misusing materials or who is missing materials more easily. 

One last update for the day... Saw another teacher's idea to do Behavior Intervention Punch Cards for students who need motivation to stay on task. After (up to) 10 punches they would get a special reward... since I see them 30 some times hopefully this wouldn't last more than two cards per kid before they learn the rules of the classroom.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Clean up is done... on to planning...

So this week I have had the joy of finishing last weeks work of organizing and cleaning my classroom... after days of near insanity trying to set up the classroom I think I FINALLY have it ready to go... minus decorations and a few last minute things.

The space has room for my six tables and my reading space... now I just need to order some more books.

I have had my family tell me I am insane for sorting crayons, but I really think it will be a time saver... No searching... There they are, so my biggest task was sorting this...

I have also been labeling where everything is so that during the year I won't have to search like crazy...

And I was really excited I could use this had been junk shelf for all the ceramics supplies and then keep all the paints together...

I am very excited to say that with the help of Pinterest and my mother I was able to make some great worksheets for into/review in first grade today...

I think you need Google Drive to Open these files... But feel free to look through them and give me any feedback, I greatly appreciate it.
Color worksheet PDF
Line Worksheet PDF
Shapes or Forms Worksheet PDF
Space Worksheet PDF
Texture Worksheet PDF

Monday, July 14, 2014

Setting up my classroom

So today I started the never ending task of setting up my classroom today... As I looked around the room I was daunted by the amount of stuff that was left over from the previous teachers... And the complete disorganization... So getting started is going to be fun...

This is my first time in an elementary art room since I was in college... In an effort to remember everything I needed I am making a list...

I have included a reading center, to introduce topics, artworks, and read texts to my students... There was a large area rug already set for this...

6 tables with stools... I am dividing them into 6 work spots with electrical tape... And putting a colored marker in each spot to assign jobs and responsibilities.... I have just started marking my tables... Hopefully this keeps students in their work stations...

I was thinking I should put colors on the bottom of the stools and the last class can make sure they match up...

Now all the storage in this room is awesome... I had more storage than I knew what to do with... I am still re-arranging... 

These are at the front of the room... I want to put things I use regularly in these...

The back area contains two... Yes two!... Paper storage units... And another one that has paint... Ps I will never have to buy paint again! I covered two units with the mobile wall... I had to arrange it so I could use the bulletin boards and white board in the back.

I need to move the white shelf to expose the other bulletin board. But this has the clay drying rack and another paint storage... I swear enough paint for a lifetime...

The goal for tomorrow is to start organizing supplies and inventorying them... Because you always need to do that...

If you have any suggestions about the layout let me know!

Keepin' it Artsy...