Monday, January 19, 2015

Grading... Ouch

So I finished my grading and I am really debating on my categories I used for scoring works of art.
What I had gotten from another teacher were...

1. Effort and Cooperation: Did the Artist follow the directions? Did s/he meet assignment expectations?
2. Creativity and Originality: Did the artist create a unique solution to the assignment?
3. Craftsmanship: Did the artist use the materials carefully?
4. Accuracy and Proportion: Did the artist use skills accurately throughout the piece?
5. Composition: do all the parts fit together in a pleasing way. (Only for 3-5)

The biggest problem I had with my project grading were 1. Effort and Cooperation and 4 Accuracy and Proportion.

So here was my problem with those two....
Did they put in effort is a very different from following directions. Every kid followed directions on all my projects... the few who didn't also did poorly on all the other areas... SO if every student is scoring proficient is it something that should be managed...
As for Accuracy and Proportion... What the blue blazes is that? Why not call it technique? why not call it content? why not break down EXACTLY what I wanted them to show me they could do in additional parts? It seems redundant.
and Finally under Composition... why is this only with the upper grades? Every child has a sense of composition. Did they think about it or not? You can tell who did and didn't within seconds... so it is something really only for older grades?
I think this summer I am going to go about rewriting these so I can get new concepts up.

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