Monday, January 19, 2015

Grading... Ouch

So I finished my grading and I am really debating on my categories I used for scoring works of art.
What I had gotten from another teacher were...

1. Effort and Cooperation: Did the Artist follow the directions? Did s/he meet assignment expectations?
2. Creativity and Originality: Did the artist create a unique solution to the assignment?
3. Craftsmanship: Did the artist use the materials carefully?
4. Accuracy and Proportion: Did the artist use skills accurately throughout the piece?
5. Composition: do all the parts fit together in a pleasing way. (Only for 3-5)

The biggest problem I had with my project grading were 1. Effort and Cooperation and 4 Accuracy and Proportion.

So here was my problem with those two....
Did they put in effort is a very different from following directions. Every kid followed directions on all my projects... the few who didn't also did poorly on all the other areas... SO if every student is scoring proficient is it something that should be managed...
As for Accuracy and Proportion... What the blue blazes is that? Why not call it technique? why not call it content? why not break down EXACTLY what I wanted them to show me they could do in additional parts? It seems redundant.
and Finally under Composition... why is this only with the upper grades? Every child has a sense of composition. Did they think about it or not? You can tell who did and didn't within seconds... so it is something really only for older grades?
I think this summer I am going to go about rewriting these so I can get new concepts up.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Color review

So I had a moment of insanity a few weeks back. I gave an assessment to see if my first graders could remember where the colors went on a color wheel and how we make colors and after three weeks of practice... they forgot... 
So it was back to the drawing board this week and I came up with an idea I really liked.

We started class by doing a quick PowerPoint on Color that talked about how we make colors and mix colors and how there are colors in the rainbow... If you click on the image below it will link you to the file in my Google drive and you are welcome to download it.
We also did a color worksheet about colors and rainbows. The Colorwheel Became the umbrella and then we had a rainbow attached. We practiced it OVER and OVER and OVER... 
At the end of the class I did a check on what they had learned from the day and thankfully most of them really did a great job drawing color wheels, rainbows, or color mixing groups... Hopefully this works out well next week...
They did take the worksheets home and I told them they needed to talk with their parents about what they learned, and what I heard from parents it worked pretty well.
Click on the image above to get a 2 page version in PDF.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Well I seem to be surviving.

Well the classes are moving along well and I am excited that Artsonia is getting going in my school. I have been teaching the students to upload their art and they are posting personal comments about their art. It is wonderful having students give their own responses to their art making. If you are a teacher and you aren't on Artsonia you need to...

We keep running through projects and moving forward and I LOVE my assessment tool I have created. It is my rubric, lesson plan and behavior monitoring in ONE form... Simple elegant spreadsheet. I am on an iPad and can't upload it right now...

I will be posting my last few lesson plans over the break.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Veterans Day gifts

So we are makong our veterans day gifts. We talked about how artists memorialize heroes and how we are using art to honor those who served and sacrificed. We are making thank you cards in 4th grade which are silhouettes on watercolor.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Well it's been a while...

Wow... have I been busy... more than expected...
This is hard becoming a first year teacher again...
We have had a great start to the beginning of the year. A busy and demanding start, but a good one.

I have recently finished a bunch of projects...

Kinder started the year with practicing Lines and making Line drawing and paintings using Oil pastels and water colors. We also made some line relief sculptures using warm and cool colored papers. I loved doing this project, it was a great way to introduce the art room rules and expectations and to get students introduced to following instructions in the room.
Types of Lines Painting

Line Sculptures

1st Grade made Mondrian Inspired Butterflies. I really felt this was another great assignment, but I have things I really want to fix... I loved the primary colors and bright colors of the sky... but I don't think this was a good line activity. I think I might move this next year to a later spot and try to come up with another better line activity for my first graders. Although they loved getting to work with paint for their first project!

1st Grade also just finished a project on symmetry looking at the book "Where the Wild Things Are" and creating their own wild thing using cut paper. This was a task and a half. It drove me NUTS trying to do this... I know that next year I am using paint to start the process... this was too much for the first week. and I wish I had been able to focus more on details not just the process...

2nd Grade made large Bodies in the style of Keith Haring. I Really don't have any photos of these that I was happy with. The students LOVED doing the giant artworks.... I hated working with them and I am not terribly excited about how they turned out. I really wish I had focused more on lines and patterns than I did. I also wish I had made the artwork smaller... big bodies are too big. On the plus side the kids did have a great time learning about Keith Haring's artworks and had fun with the Roll a Haring Project. The worksheet was created using the image by One Eyed Pak.

Second grade also just completed their Matisse Inspired Compositions using warm and cool colors and Geometric and Organic Shapes. I wish I had focused more on the shapes, but I am still happy with the results. I think I might do a quick informal assessment and see if the students remember....

Third grade was a lot of fun, we made Van Gogh Inspired landscapes and talked a lot about vertical and horizontal compositions and the emotions that lines have. We finished the activity by writing a letter about our feelings and the artwork like Van Gogh did. Overall it went well, we used glue and pastels which were fun and exciting for students, the letter was a little harder and I am still thinking about how to modify it.

Fourth grade made their Op Art Images like I posted about before. I am still so happy with them, we got to create perspective lines, values to create a sense of space as well... overall it was awesome...
Last but not least... fifth grade got to start their self portraits. We looked at the line drawings of Pablo Picasso and talked about Contour lines and how they define the edges and surface ridges of objects. We then practiced observational drawing skills by doing Igor Stravinsky drawings by only exposing a small part at a time. Drawing lines rather than symbols. The students did a great job! When they followed the assignment... We also then made their self portraits and I felt like I had varying levels of success... I am really thinking I need to focus on developing stronger practice in this... and maybe portraits aren't the way to go...

Well that has been basically the last ten weeks of my life as a teacher... I am still above water... but man I can't wait for winter so I can get caught up!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Optical illusions

4th grade started their optical illusions this week. And I am so excited they are going great so far. We looked at a PowerPoint with different illusions back to the Renaissance and talked about the op art movement.
Day one we started doing different compositions. Going step by step.
Next week we are going to do them on a big paper.
We are going to practice creating spheres next and then make three of different sizes and attaching them to our design.
I will post links to the PowerPoint and handouts tonight hopefully.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Art from many hands

This week we finished our art by many hands project. After the kids had colored them, and cut them out, I glued them together to look like flowers. With all 570 students I was able to make four flowers that were small and one large flower. We added the quote," alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." By Helen Keller.