Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Optical illusions

4th grade started their optical illusions this week. And I am so excited they are going great so far. We looked at a PowerPoint with different illusions back to the Renaissance and talked about the op art movement.
Day one we started doing different compositions. Going step by step.
Next week we are going to do them on a big paper.
We are going to practice creating spheres next and then make three of different sizes and attaching them to our design.
I will post links to the PowerPoint and handouts tonight hopefully.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Art from many hands

This week we finished our art by many hands project. After the kids had colored them, and cut them out, I glued them together to look like flowers. With all 570 students I was able to make four flowers that were small and one large flower. We added the quote," alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." By Helen Keller.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The First Week

So during my first week I have learned MANY things about elementary school.
1. You need one action they will do over and over... mine is hands on table.
2. They apparently forget how to sit on a chair during the walk from their other classroom to mine.
3. They can't sit still for more than 15 minutes...
4. Some kids always cry...

Tuesday: I had only 4th grade and one kindegarten class. The fourth graders were pretty good about listening and following rules, but got antsy by the end of the day. The kindergarten class was, well... like children. We had crying, sobbing, potty needs, questions, more questions, and OH MY GOSH more questions. Mostly about their mom and why they weren't at school... But we survived. I learned that I won't get through everything I wanted to... WE JUST CAN'T... So we did half this week and I will do half next week.

Wednesday: We did the same kind of stuff as tuesday, but I only had third grade, who were much more antsy, but also much more willing to do activities. Had some issues with time and most of my classes were much more talkative and had trouble sitting. I think with First Grade I am going to break this into three days now...

Thursday: I had to modify my plan. .. ALOT.... we read The Day the Crayons Quit, and talked a lot less so we had time for art.

Friday: I had my first walk through today, the principal saw our line up procedure and me reading to a new group. I did the same idea of reading to the students and then making art.